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Påslaget på strømavtalene våre er 2,98 øre/kWh.

Noova Energy

Overvåker, analyserer og identifiserer unødvendig strømforbruk.
Fullstendig og detaljert forbruksoversikt med energimiks, strømkostnader, varslinger og automatisk rapportering.
Overvåker, analyserer og identifiserer unødvendig energiforbruk. I snitt kutter kundene våre 12,68 % av forbruket – som et direkte resultat av funksjoner og varsler i denne modulen.

Noova Green

Komplett oversikt og høykvalitetsdata på CO2-utslipp, strøm- og energiforbruk, avfallshåndtering og vannforbruk.
Nøyaktig bærekraftsrapportering for klimaregnskapet i henhold til økende rapporteringskrav.
Få høykvalitetsdata og sammenligningsgrunnlag slik at du kan rapportere grundig på – og redusere – forbruk og utslipp, i henhold til økende krav fra myndigheter, eiere og finansinstitusjoner.

Noova Tenant

Helautomatisert leietakerhåndtering med bl.a. kostnadsfordeling, fakturering og rapportering.
Vi oppgir vår kontaktinformasjon på fakturaen til dine leietakerne, slik at de kan kontakte oss dersom de har energi- og bærekraftsrelaterte spørsmål.
Vi automatiserer leietakerhåndteringen, og tar oss av kostnadssplitt og -fordeling, fakturering og rapportering. I tillegg er vi kontaktperson for leietakerne dine dersom de har spørsmål knyttet til strøm.

Compare our modules

Noova Energy

Monitors, analyzes, and identifies unnecessary energy consumption.

Noova Green

The requirements for reporting and action are increasing. With Noova Green, you can report thoroughly on - and reduce - consumption and emissions.

Noova Tenant

We take care of cost allocation, reporting and invoicing, as well as energy and sustainability related questions from your tenants.

Complete consumption overview
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Monthly, hourly, and real-time consumption
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Energy target diagram, energy target deviation & energy target curve alert
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Energy mix
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Energy efficiency index, reference index, area & reference area
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Electricity costs
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Own production
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Real-time electricity price alert, base load alert, energy curve alert and voltage alert
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Sensor-based data collection for optimal utilization and statistics
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Weekly electricity report
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Detailed sustainability reporting according to government requirements
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Overview of CO2 emissions, energy and water consumption
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Waste management per category
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Greenhouse gas emissions from energy, waste and performance factors
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Sustainability measures
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Third party integration: API to waste and recycling services
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Fully automated tenant management
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Tenant invoicing and reporting
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Cost allocation for tenants
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Noova is the contact person for your tenants
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Third party integration: API to building systems
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Buy certificates of origin?
Third party access: API connection to other systems

How does our product work?

Noova Energy monitors, analyzes, and identifies unnecessary energy consumption. On average, our customers cut 12.68% of their consumption as a direct result of our features and alerts. Some cut as much as 55%.

Our system retrieves energy data from the AMS meter that is already installed in the building. This data is combined with, among other things, weather data, consumption data and price data, and is presented in an intuitive way in Noova Energy.

Want to know more?

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